Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Katy Perry - Rise (Illuminati Olympics video) Rise of Antichrist Beast o...

Jesus Messiah1 day ago

Published on 16 Jul 2016
In this video I expose Katy Perry's new song "Rise" that happens to be the anthem for the Rio Illuminati Olympics! Please share this video! God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!

Olympics Exposed by Vigilant Citizen

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Jesus Messiah
Jesus Messiah1 second ago Dear Katy Perry, NOW maybe you know but your esoteric mystery cult Satanic Lucafarian offering 'RISE' coincided (but of course) with the day the Anti-Christ tried to rise in fact your song RISE was timed perfectly as the theme tune to the Anti Christs RISE to lead a Turkish coup to take over the Turkish Army for the War of Armageddon OMG I knew this and warned Putin so Russian special forces were involved in bringing about a ruthless and speedy end within 24 hours to the AC's coup immediately 2800 AC soldiers were wiped out but since then 50,000 AC soldiers have now been slaughtered and the Anti Christ is finished (a bit like you then) so @KatyIsMyBaby666 you stand alone looking like a dog with fleas, a spent force and listen to my video you the Beast for the second time after the Whore of Babylon rode the Beast into my Superbowl gig. My how very stupid you look now today rising up out of the sea with the AC Army lying around in makeshift coffins so like ET you make a habit of love songs to the Devil needless to say this has put a wedge between me as JESUS and you my wife and if I was in LA I would kick your green slimy cunt in metaphorically speaking. You have allied with SATAN, LUCIFER and now the ANTI-CHRIST in the 2 years of our marriage and with SATAN Exorcised by me, Lucifer living 200 yards away from me a complete embarrassment of a loser now YOUR ANTI CHRIST is finished please do choose any other Devil you like I suppose it will be Orlando Bloom as news reaches me you have spent the summer together and marriage is the topic in your Gonorrhea stained bed (I HOPE I PERSONALLY DEAL WITH @666Korlando666) the photos of your lunch with @Orlaty1 #KABLOOM and stories of USA - EUROPE -USA together are psychic daggers in my back but that has been an attack on my Human Rights due to us being married and you beginning torture under your Monarch programming again so I have to fight back but we had no relationship and certainly there is not one anymore because I warned you that any photos sent me of you arms round other blokes would finish us well low and behold Page 10 of this weeks heat magazine has a picture of Taylor's old boyfriend Calvin Harris with his arm around you and a story that I checked today that you both follow each-other on Twitter and are ganging up to finish Taylor off well FUCK YOU as you do follow Taylor's old flame but not one of my 80 twitter accounts so how can I continue with you with nothing but insult after insult? I can't reconcile that we have a relationship can I? SO if I can't have you nor can @BLOOM n DOOM as NOW I ring the police-force and make official my witness statement against you and your henchmen for child abuse, human right abuse and being a Monarch mind control programmer. You won't talk to me I can see why so GOODBYE you can rest assured you have hurt me and don't care as you are a Psychopath and a Sociopath but IAM GOING FOR MY MONEY OFF capitol, Warner and the UN as their Ambassador carrying out Human Rights Abuse is just not on. YOU HORRIBLE NASTY SHIT BAG.

Jesus Messiah Jesus Messiah1 day ago
"Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:-
'Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our GOD, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, BECAUSE HE KNOWS HIS TIME IS SHORT.'
Jesus Messiah1 second ago

Melina McGuire 
You & A Call for an Uprising are my top fav truth channels.
The Vigilant Christian 
+Melina McGuire I'm going to be interviewing him soon! Stay tuned
Jesus Messiah 
This slut is a nightmare I have reported her to police for child abuse
Jesus Messiah 
3:38 The video says that KATY PERRY is the very top representative of the lucerfarian/satanic/illuminati/NWO the pick of the crop, the cherry on top

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